Ask Your Sydney Caterer These 21 Questions to Ensure Food Safety

“Ask Your Sydney Caterer These 21 Questions to Ensure Food Safety” is a blog post that’s going to address food safety concerns in Australia, the 4Cs of food safety Australia, and a series of questions you can ask the caterer you’re vetting to help you zero in one on the best Sydney catering company, and why you should consider Boardwalk Catering for your special occasion. If you have questions or concerns, call 0434 917 069 or email [email protected] and let’s chat!

premium wedding catering, catering Sydney, Sydney catering; wedding reception menu ideas; food safety
Large-scale catering is now a big part of large events like
weddings, outdoor parties, corporate events, and more. People choose Sydney catering companies based on how good their food is and how presentable it looks. It’s also incumbent upon them to ensure food safety standards. They’ve got to be wary of the dangers of bacteria in raw and undercooked food.

It’s important for Sydney caterers to make sure that the food they serve is safe to eat.

When you eat out, shop at different stores, or cook at home, there’s no doubt that you think about how well the food is made. The same goes for catering for large events – their health, safety, and potentially their future depend on it.

What is food safety in Australia?

Food safety in Australia refers to the measures and regulations implemented to ensure the production, handling, and consumption of food are safe and free from hazards that could harm human health. It involves various practices, such as proper food handling, storage, preparation, and adherence to strict hygiene standards enforced by government agencies like Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) and state and territory health departments. The goal is to protect consumers from foodborne illnesses and maintain high standards of food quality and safety throughout the food supply chain.

The 4Cs of food safety Australia

Sydney caterers should follow the 4Cs of food safety and food hygiene to protect food—and they’re cleaning, cooking, cross-contamination, and chilling. These 4 simple rules cover the most important ways to adhere to Australian food safety standards.


The Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) says that one of the most common reasons for prosecution is that a place wasn’t cleaned well enough. This is probably one of the most important questions for hiring a caterer in Sydney. “What measures do you have in place to ensure proper food hygiene during preparation, storage, and transportation?” Cleaning is critical. It stops germs and allergens from spreading, keeps pests away, and is therefore required by law.

Sydney caterers must have stellar cleaning procedures and schedules to make sure that the places where food is stored, prepared, served, and eaten are squeaky clean and safe!


Some Sydney caterers offer cooked food that’s either made on-premise; and some do it off-premise. Prior to serving, food must be cooked thoroughly. Otherwise, your guests are prone to food poisoning; this is especially true of high-risk foods like meat, poultry, fish, and rice.

Bacteria can be killed by cooking at the right temperature for the right amount of time. The cooking method, time, and temperature hinge on the type of food you’re going to serve. Sydney caterers usually follow the cooking instructions on food packaging (if there are any), and before they serve it, they always make sure the food is piping hot—at least the good ones do. And so, this is yet another important question for hiring a caterer in Sydney: “Do you have proper procedures in place for monitoring and recording food temperatures during cooking and holding?”

When cooking, food should reach at least 70º Celsius and stay at that temperature for 2 minutes (or at least at an equivalent temperature and time, like 80º C for 6 seconds). Food that has been reheated for 30 seconds should be at least 75º C.

Peace of Mind on Your Plate: Sydney Events

Planning a wedding, corporate function, or even a small party? Food safety is of paramount importance, especially in a city like Sydney.

Boardwalk Catering prioritises your guests’ well-being. Nearly all our senior chefs are Food Safety Supervisors. They possess an in-depth understanding of food handling and hygiene protocols so every dish is prepared and served with the utmost care.

Don’t settle for less. Focus on enjoying your event with the confidence that Boardwalk Catering delivers exceptional food prepared with the highest safety standards.

Call 0434 917 069 or email [email protected] today! Let’s discuss your event and create a stress-free, delicious experience.


A proper cross-contamination question for hiring a caterer in Sydney is: “How do you handle cross-contamination between different food items to prevent allergen contamination?”

Sounds scary? That’s because it is.

Foodborne infections are typically caused by the spread of pathogenic germs between people, food, surfaces, and equipment. This is referred to as cross-contamination, and it’s one of the leading causes of food poisoning, says the Food Standard Agency (FSA). It can also occur with chemicals, such as spraying chemicals into the air, which can end up on food, surfaces, and equipment. Cross-contact, on the other hand, has to do with allergens. That’s where allergen-containing products are often mistakenly transferred to allergen-free ones.

Sydney caterers must take every precaution to avoid both cross-contamination and cross-contact. How do they do it, you ask?

  • Personal hygiene
  • Separate areas, equipment, and cutlery for different types of foods
  • Cleaning/disinfecting equipment and cutlery
  • Proper food storage
  • Covering exposed food, like buffets
  • Pest control


Certain foods, like those with expiration dates and ready-to-eat foods, must be kept refrigerated to be safe. Although chilling doesn’t eliminate hazardous bacteria, it does prevent their growth.

So when asking a question for hiring a caterer in Sydney, they must guarantee proper food cooling and preservation protocols. If they don’t, run!

Remember. Refrigerator temperatures are at or below 5ºC, and freezer temperatures are at or below -18ºC. When using cool boxes, the temperature must be kept constant and checked.

Hire the right Sydney caterer with these 21 questions and ensure food safety

premium wedding catering, catering Sydney, Sydney catering; food safety

To know if your caterer abides by food safety standards, ask the following questions:

  1. Are you familiar with the Australian Food Standards Code, and do you adhere to its guidelines?
  2. Do you have a valid Food Safety Supervisor certificate?
  3. What measures do you have in place to ensure proper food hygiene during preparation, storage, and transportation?
  4. Can you provide details about your food storage facilities, including refrigeration and temperature control systems?
  5. How do you handle cross-contamination between different food items to prevent allergen contamination?
  6. Do you have a documented food safety plan in place? If so, can you provide a copy for review?
  7. What training and education programs do you have in place for your staff regarding food safety?
  8. Can you provide references or testimonials from previous clients that highlight your commitment to food safety?
  9. How often do you conduct internal audits or inspections to ensure compliance with food safety standards?
  10. Are you familiar with the specific regulations and requirements for handling and serving food at events or functions?
  11. Do you have proper procedures in place for monitoring and recording food temperatures during cooking and holding?
  12. How do you handle the disposal of food waste and ensure it is done in a hygienic and responsible manner?
  13. Are you aware of the potential risks associated with foodborne illnesses, and how do you mitigate these risks?
  14. What measures do you take to ensure the freshness and quality of ingredients used in your catering services?
  15. Have you ever had any food safety violations or received warnings from regulatory authorities? If yes, how did you address those issues?
  16. Can you provide details about your supplier selection process to ensure they meet food safety standards?
  17. Are you able to accommodate special dietary requirements, such as gluten-free, vegetarian, or halal options, while maintaining food safety?
  18. How do you handle food recalls or product withdrawals, and what steps would you take to inform your clients in such situations?
  19. What insurance coverage do you have in place to protect against food safety-related incidents?
  20. Are you certified by any reputable food safety organisations or associations?
  21. In the event of a food safety incident or outbreak, what is your procedure for investigating and addressing the issue, and how do you communicate with clients and affected parties?

Sydney Events: Planning Made Easy!

Take the guesswork out of finding the perfect Sydney caterer for your next event!

Claim Boardwalk Catering’s FREE Catering Checklist, tailored to your specific occasion (wedding, party, or corporate function).

This comprehensive 2-page document features key questions for hiring a caterer—and select the one that best suits your needs and budget.

Stop wondering:

  • What hidden costs might there be?
  • Did I ask all the important questions for hiring a caterer?
  • Am I choosing a safe and reliable caterer?

Our FREE checklist empowers you to:

  • Identify your catering priorities (food preferences, dietary restrictions, budget)
  • Ask the right questions to ensure a perfect fit
  • Feel confident in your catering selection

Get your FREE checklist today! Call 0434 917 069 or email [email protected]

Let Boardwalk Catering help you navigate the planning process with confidence. We’re here to make your event a success!

How Boardwalk Catering adheres to food safety standards

food safety; sydney caterer

Boardwalk Catering stands out as a top choice for Sydney events not only because of our delicious meals and premium catering services Sydney but also our unwavering adherence to food safety standards in Australia. We go to great lengths to ensure that the highest food standards are followed throughout the catering journey.

One aspect that sets us apart is our implementation of 24-hour monitors for our fridges and freezers. In fact, Boardwalk Catering is one of the very few catering services Sydney that uses this, acting as an additional safeguard to immediately alarm us should temperatures exceed a certain threshold.

By continuously monitoring and maintaining optimal conditions, we prioritise food safety and food freshness. You can trust that we’ll go above and beyond to provide a worry-free and memorable catering Sydney experience for your event. Boardwalk Catering’s comprehensive approach to food safety includes strict cleaning practices, meticulous cooking techniques, and proactive measures to prevent cross-contamination and cross-contact. Call 0434 917 069 or email [email protected] and let’s chat!